August 03, 2007


First, in terms of professional life , get ready for some fun.

Get ready to work hard for only then you establish a reputation in your work.

All the excellent personal quealities such as your charm, you intuition and your intelligence, will not get you far it you do not blend them with a lot of hard work.

Do not be afraid to make mistakes or experience set back. It is this flexibility in overcoming these , which is the key to survival.

Be happy at what you do. If you ever reach the point where you wake up in the morning , and dread going to work, something is fundamentally wrong. Re-examine the situation.

Do not get too comfortable. When a job stops challenging you , perhaps you should consider looking for another one. It is a cinch that someone else is waiting in the wings to do it,if you don't.

Do not be afraid to take risk. Hardly anyone succeeds without them.

Never stop testing your talents in experiencing new things. Keep challenging yourself and exploring your world and your role in it .

As you look for fulfilment , you may be happier filling avoid than following a crowd. Be creative with your ambitions.

Be a communicator . Learn to sell yourself and your ideas. Your inteligence and hard work are crucial assets , but remember that mountain-top philosopher rarely make much of a difference.
Keep your sense of Humour. It is often your only link to sanity.

Keep time to reflect and rest . Time for reflection often produces perspective.

Always remember that one person can make a difference in this world. As you attempt to make big differences, remember to appreciate the small differences.

People are always watching you , learning from you and looking to you for inspiration . It is therefore important how you play the game of life.

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